Child Life Code of Ethics

The Child Life Code of Ethics provides a comprehensive framework for Certified Child Life Specialists (CCLSs) to guide their professional conduct and ensure the well-being and protection of children and their families in potentially stressful or traumatic situations. 

The Child Life Code of Ethics consists of two parts: The Principles and The Rules. The Principles are recommendations for professional ethical behavior that then become the cornerstone of decision-making (think guidelines). The Rules are a description of best practices (think implementation of principles).

Any violation of this code can lead to disciplinary actions, which are managed by the Child Life Certification Commission Ethics Committee. This code serves as a guide for ethical decision-making and behavior within the profession, ensuring the best possible care for children and their families.

Read the Code
The Principles

Code of Ethics Principles

The Principles embody the ethical and professional standards expected of those holding the CCLS credential.

The Principles are the guidelines of professional conduct, the same conduct that any individual would expect of any professional organization on which they rely.

The Rules

Code of Ethics Rules

The Rules serve as a description of best-practice or CCLS standards and outline how the principles must be implemented in specific circumstances.

Ethics Violations

CCLSs that violate the Child Life Code of Ethics shall be subject to disciplinary action. Policies and procedures related to ethics violations can be found here.

Public Notice of Disqualifications:

Victoria C. Hartman 

File an Ethics Complaint