Psychosocial Risk Assessment in Pediatrics

The Psychosocial Risk Assessment in Pediatrics (PRAP) is a validated screening tool, developed by a team at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center, designed to assess pediatric patients' risk for experiencing distress during health care encounters.

It includes a database that stores, organizes, and analyzes psychosocial data, and also features benchmarking capability, enabling comparison of PRAP data with other facilities.

Purchasing a PRAP license gives a program access to PRAP materials, as well as a site-specific data repository for historic PRAP scores that can be used to track patient vulnerability trends. 

Purchase a License

Benefits of the PRAP Tool

A few of the top benefits of the PRAP tool include:

  • Established interview questions help predict which patients are more likely to experience psychological distress from a health care encounter and provide insight that can target specific patient issues and guide selection of the most appropriate interventions. 

  • The PRAP can assist clinicians with identifying patients more at risk for long-term negative effects from health care.

  • The PRAP can also serve as an efficient and cost-effective approach to determine how psychosocial resources and staffing might be allocated to meet the greatest need.

Purchase a License

Steps to Licensing the PRAP

The following steps outline how to purchase a license of the PRAP tool. 

Questions?  Email PRAP@cchmc.org



The following outlines the pricing to license the PRAP tool.

Purchase a License