
Child Life Program: Needs-Based Grant

Funded by Disney, this pilot, needs-based grant project aims to offer child life programs the opportunity to submit grant requests to cover expenses to support child life program activities such as the purchase of supplies, materials, and equipment, as well as to fund innovation and creativity in new programming.

The needs-based grants will be used to support child life programs with budget constraints that provide children and families from diverse, underserved communities with physical and emotional support through play and innovation.

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Distinguished Service Award

Since 1988, the Association of Child Life Professionals has honored the child life profession’s leaders and pioneers with the annual Distinguished Service Award.

The Distinguished Service Award is the highest honor presented by the ACLP Board of Directors, recognizing exceptional leaders for outstanding contributions to the field of child life. 

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Mary Barkey Clinical Excellence Award

The ACLP Mary Barkey Clinical Excellence Award is presented annually to an individual child life specialist who has demonstrated exemplary child life care and a high level of clinical skill.

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Research Awards

Annually, ACLP presents two research recognition awards, the Professional and Student Research Recognition Awards.

The Professional Research Recognition Award honors significant work by a child life specialist, and the Student Research Recognition Award acknowledges research conducted by a student.

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