Research Awards

Annually, the ACLP presents two research recognition awards that celebrate research initiatives that contribute to theory and practice within the field of child life.

The Professional Research Recognition Award honors significant work by a child life specialist and the Student Research Recognition Award acknowledges research conducted by a student.


In order to be considered for an ACLP Research Award, the nominated research project must:

  • Address a facet of child life

  • Have met Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements prior to data collection

  • Have at least one author who is an ACLP member in good standing

  • Research must have been completed and submitted for publication within the last two years*

*For the Student Research Award, research must have been submitted within the last two years while the primary author was still a student. Completion date and unofficial transcripts are a part of the application.


Applications will be reviewed by the ACLP Awards Committee which will utilize the following criteria when scoring:

  • The research increases child life knowledge or improves/evaluates child life interventions, processes and/or programming.

  • The research was designed and conducted under rigorous standards and was appropriately analyzed.

  • The research is evidence-based.

  • The research is innovative and relevant to child life practice.



We encourage individuals in the child life community to submit their research and to share news of the award with peers who may be interested in applying.

Applications for the 2025 Research Awards will be open from January 20 - February 3. Winners will be notified by mid-March 2025.

Identifying Information on Applications

Please ensure that applications adhere to the following guideline regarding identifying information:

The application must not include any personal identifiers, such as:

  • Full names (of you, the recommender, or any other individuals)

  • Program names

  • Institutional names or locations

  • Company names or specific job title

The content should focus solely on your qualifications, skills, and experiences relevant to the application, without referencing identifiable details.

Failure to comply with this criterion may result in the denial of your application. We appreciate your attention to this requirement.

Previous Award Winners