2022 - 2023 Job Analysis

In 2022, the Child Life Certification Commission began a Job Analysis. A Job Analysis is conducted approximately every 5 years to ensure the content on the Child Life Certification Exam is valid and aligned with the role of a Certified Child Life Specialist. The Job Analysis is an essential step in safeguarding consumers as it is a methodology for defining the characteristics of an individual who has the capacity to perform competently.

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Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) were selected through an application process.

Any individual holding the CCLS credential was encouraged to apply to represent child life specialists. The following considerations were taking into account when selecting panelists:

-Geographic location
-Primary job role
-Number of year's certified
-Size of program

Learn more about the 2022-2023 Subject Matter Experts here.

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SMEs met over the course of two days 

SMEs met over the course of 2 days to discuss the current exam blueprint, drafted revisions, and discussed eligibility requirements necessary to produce a candidate with the capacity to perform the tasks they defined as the basis for an entry-level practitioner.

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A survey was created and sent to all CCLSs.

Schroeder Measurement Technologies (a Prometric company), a professional testing service, created a survey to validate the work of the SME panel. The survey was then sent to all CCLSs to participate and provide feedback. Survey respondents rate each of the defined tasks based on frequency and importance. 

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SME panelists will meet again

SMEs determine if the respondents represented an appropriate sampling of the CCLS population across the demographic elements collected. SMEs will then engage in a robust discussion of eligibility and decisions will be are made about the inclusion of tasks that were questioned by survey respondents. 

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The new Exam content blueprint is finalized.

The new blueprint will then be finalized. From there, the Child Life Certification Commission will use the new blueprint for item writing on the certification exam. The new exam blueprint and items will be included in the Child Life Exam beginning January 1, 2024.

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